A major transition
We live in an exciting time. Much is going on in organisations. The old paradigm of control & command is giving way to new forms of organizing. New principles like trust, horizontal cooperation, transparency and sharing knowledge result in new structures and forms of organization. The emphasis is shifting to a passion for execution. Leadership and entrepreneurial spirit are needed throughout the organization.
This transition is quite a challenge for organizations with a classical structure. They have to develop something new without closing up shop. Nor are these mere cosmetic changes: an essentially different way of thinking is concerned.
New organisational principles
I am fascinated by new forms of organizing that are developing as we speak, for example as a result of generation Y coming onto the shop floor and through the arrival of interactive and social media.
My research targets three questions:
* What new underlying organization principles are developing?
* What forms of expression of these do we see in companies and organizations today?
* How can organisations make the transition from classical organizational principles to new forms of organization?
On my other website, www.hetnieuweorganiseren.org, I report on my research. On that website I gather examples of companies with innovative structures, drawing conclusions for traditional organisations from these in my blog. I discuss relevant publications and offer summaries of other studies. The site also has inspiring footage and links on this topic.
I invite you to take a look at this site and become inspired about new forms of organization. The site is interactive: you can respond to the blog posts, contribute information and business cases, join discussion forums and leave recommendations for books to read and films to see.